Ed Sheeran Pets
We all know that Ed Sheeran, the chart-topping singer-songwriter, has a special place in his heart for furry felines. But did you know that a Galway Girl named Calippo has become the apple of Ed's eye? Oh, don't worry, he's not having an affair! Calippo is his daughter, a Scottish fold cat. This picture-perfect daddy-daughter duo will warm your heart. And if you ever find yourself in Ed's house, don't be surprised if you see this delightful furball trailing behind him like a loyal companion. Ed often says that she reminds him of Graham, a tabby cat that he had longtime back. Whenever Ed embarks on his world tours, he makes sure that Calippo joins him too. With her irresistible cuteness, she has become a celebrity cat like no other. To be honest, she isn't alone on this fame-filled journey; she has her sister, Dorito, by her side. Calippo and Dorito are a dynamic sister duo who have taken the social media world by storm. Their Instagram account, @thewibbles, has amassed over a thousand and thousands of fans and is a kind of live comedy show starring these two whiskered wonders! So, what are you waiting for? Go follow them already, will you?

We're Daddy Ed's Daughters!
Breed: Scottish Fold

We're Daddy Ed's Daughters!
Breed: Orange Tabby

I was Daddy Ed's Son!
Breed: Tabby Cat

Ed Sheeran
Date of birth: February 17
I'm their Dad!
How I Met My Father
'Now I know I have met an angel in person,
And she looks purrr-fect
I don't deserve this,
You look purrr-fect tonight'
Do you know who was the inspiration behind Daddy's hit song, "Perfect."? Well, obviously, it was me! I'm the one he was singing about all along! You see, Daddy and I are the ultimate ‘Perfect’ daddy-daughter duo! Did you not know that? Well, what a shame, now you know how famous I am, right? Take that, Dorito! Daddy loves me more than you!
Now, why am I named after an ice pop, you ask? Well, it's because Daddy absolutely adores them! He has this quirky habit of naming us after his favourite food items. Speaking of my sister, let me introduce you to Dorito. But let's be honest, my name is far better than her, don't you think? Hahaha!
Well, things were pretty rough for Daddy, especially after my little brother Graham's death. I did not know him personally, but I am pretty sure he was the best Kitten. And he is looking after us too! Daddy did not want to move on after the accident, but fate had its own plans. Daddy stumbled upon my adorable face on an online shelter website. Love at first sight, I tell you! He just knew he had to adopt me, and that's exactly what he did. I moved in with Daddy and Mommy, and to be honest, i can't remember a time before them. They've always made sure I have the very best. From toys to the comfiest bed, they go above and beyond for me.
But you know what's funny? Despite all the fancy things they get me, I find the greatest joy in the simplest pleasures. Give me a cardboard box or a roll of toilet paper, and I'm the happiest cat alive. It's just who I am, okay? And whenever I'm trying to have alone time and try to enjoy the little quirks that come with it, Mommy and Daddy can't seem to find happiness in that. They turn into paparazzi, chasing me around and snapping the most embarrassing pictures! And guess what? They don't stop there. They actually post those photos on Instagram! Can you believe it? Share some of Dorito's silly moments, too, will you, Daddy?
Oh, how could I forget to tell you about Dorito? She's my little sister, and Mommy and Daddy brought her home about a year ago. We have the best time together, playing, eating, and sleeping in the same cosy bed. Sure, it might seem like we fight a lot and that I can't stand her at times, but deep down, she's the one I cherish the most. That's just how siblings are, right? I feel truly blessed to have her in my life. Well, my dear friends, that's all for now. It's time for a well-deserved cat-nap! Stay purr-fect and take care! Meow!
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