Kassie Gloom's Pets

Breed: Chihuahua

Breed: Pitbull

Breed: Tubbos
TWINKIE - Gloom's life has changed so much. Twinkie, now deceased, was bred solely to be as tiny as possible for looks. That came with a consequence of health and structural issues. Twinki used to steal all of Gloom's cheese and loved to accompany her to the park. Gloom is grateful to Twinkie for saving her life in a way.
ANJING - Anjing, on the other hand, is very much the opposite. He was bred by people who care about quality of life with a focus on sound temperament, sturdy structure (excellent hips), and workability. Anjing is very dominant and not a cuddler. He likes physical exertion and having a job to do. Gloom also calls Anjing her black-eyed angel. Gloom's first pitbull cross was named Anjing. Now she has Anjing FOMO the 2nd (Tooth), whom she calls 'A king in the making.' While Gloom has handled power breeds before, Anjing’s vigor, bravery, and focus are on a different level. Gloom is not ashamed to admit that professional guidance have been necessary to handle Anjing correctly. Anjing forces Gloom to look inward regularly. He’s been a wonderful challenge and an incredible example of how amazing dogs can be.
TUBBOS - A difficult cat to pet. It took quite some effort on Gloom's part to pet stubborn Tubbos. However, now Gloom considers Tubbos as her son and a blessing. They are quite inseparable now.
Kassie Gloom

Date of birth: Dec 19, 1990
# Kassie Gloom, also known as Gloom, is a famous Canadian YouTuber specializing in various content such as gaming, livestreams, reviews, playthroughs, commentary, sketches, challenges, and Q&As. She is also active on Instagram and Twitter.
# Born on December 19, 1990, Gloom became famous on YouTube and later rebranded from CloudyApples to Gloom. She has a significant presence on various platforms, including YouTube, Instagram, and Twitter, where she interacts with her audience through content creation and engagement.
# Gloom often shares personal updates and snippets of her life, such as touching grass, corn, and apples, which indicates a blend of gaming content and personal vlogs.
# Interestingly, she is left-handed, and has acrophobia, the fear of heights.
# Did you know? Kassie collaborated on a video with Shakira, which is called "Reacting with Shakira to Her Old Videos!".
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