Kevin Costner's Dog Daisy

Breed: Labrador
DAISY - In 2010, Kevin's white Labrador, Daisy, gained media attention when she accompanied him on a flight from California to Edmonton, Canada. The purpose of this journey was to aid rescue dogs from California shelters, which were in jeopardy due to wildfires, in finding new homes in Canada. Their first flight transported 50 dogs, and their second flight carried over 100 rescue dogs.
Kevin Costner

Date of birth: January 18, 1955
# Kevin Costner is a versatile American entertainer with a thriving career spanning decades. He's acclaimed for his work in various film genres, from drama to westerns, and has garnered numerous awards and nominations.
# Before hitting the big screen, Kevin was a tour bus driver, chauffeuring tourists to the glamorous homes of Hollywood stars.
# Kevin's equestrian prowess was evident in "The Postman" (1997) as he took on the challenging riding scenes himself.
# Throughout his entire career, Kevin has deliberately steered clear of reprising his roles in film sequels, making him one of the rare blockbuster stars who has never returned for a sequel.
# Did you know? Kevin Costner's preferred films are long epics with rich and intricate storytelling.
# Kevin Costner's musical talent shines through in his role as the frontman and founder of the American country rock band, Kevin Costner & Modern West.
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