Tina Fey's Dog Teddy

Breed: Poodle
Date of Birth: Adopted in 2013
TEDDY - Tina is the proud owner of an adorable dog named Teddy. When Teddy first came into their lives, Tina's daughter, Penelope, was just two years old. Tina shared with Jimmy Fallon on the Late Show that while Penelope adored their new furry family member, she humorously quipped, "She’s almost constantly murdering the dog" because she's still learning how to handle him.
Tina Fey

Date of birth: May 18, 1970
# Tina Fey is a well-known American actress, comedian, writer, and producer.
# Tina gave her "30 Rock" character, Liz Lemon, a personal touch by naming her after herself and playfully slipping her own name into the show's fifth season, while her friend Amy Poehler fondly calls her "Betty" in reference to her real name, Elizabeth.
# She revealed that the scar on her left cheek, stemming from a childhood incident, led her to shoot scenes favoring her right side.
# In middle school, her curiosity about comedy led her to start as a performer, but she later transitioned to writing, ultimately discovering the perfect blend of both at Chicago's Second City improvisational theater.
# Tina is known for her love of Broadway tunes, also dabbled in rap. She worked with Childish Gambino, rapped in various onscreen roles, and even helped teach Rajiv Surendra how to rap for his talent show scene in Mean Girls.
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