Zach Gilford Dogs

Date of birth: Passed away on 14 Feb 2021

Date of birth: Adopted in 2022
PIPPEN - In February 2022, Gilford bid farewell to his cherished four-legged companion, Pippen, who had been his devoted partner since he rescued her from a dire situation in Texas. From sharing incredible moments with his wife, enduring the loss of his sons, celebrating his daughter's birth, to welcoming a new son, Pippen was a constant presence. Her absence leaves a void that will be deeply felt.
ROCKET SHIP -In 2022, Gilford welcomed a new furry friend named Rocket Ship into his life, becoming a regular duo at his workplace. On Rocket's inaugural workday, Gilford delightedly posted a snapshot featuring them both, accompanied by a caption capturing Rocket's contagious enthusiasm.
Zach Gilford

Date of birth: 14 January 1982
# Zach Gilford is an American actor known for his work in film and television. His performances are often noted for their authenticity and emotional depth, allowing him to tackle a range of characters and genres.
# Gilford shared that he's had not one, but two bear dance-offs, with the bears coming just inches away during both daring encounters.
# Currently sporting a short haircut, this preference can be traced back to the childhood nickname "bushy head," affectionately given to Gilford by his friends.
# Embracing his runner persona, Gilford proudly showcases his abnormally large thighs.
# Unveiling his flip-flop saga, Gilford's journey into wearing them commenced at 24, complete with a comical year-long adventure to master the art of strolling without these daring footwear taking flight with every other step.
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