Take the photo of your pet an eye level to the camera. This way they'll match their new body.
Big prints require big images. As a guide, photos taken on your phone or camera are perfect. Avoid taking photos off social media such as Facebook and Instagram as those are often reduced in size.Take the photo up close so there's as much detail as possible.If your photo resolution is too low for a particular print size, don’t panic - we’ll let you know so you can provide us with another.
We can do a lot to brighten and, in some cases, darken an image to suit a design. But it is best not to take a photo in direct sunlight on a sunny day as too much light can bounce off your pet's head or face and the image can become “blown out”. This makes it harder to make your image blend into the design. On the flip-side, photographs that are too dark can lose a lot of detail. Try to take your photograph in natural light during the day.
Make sure your pet's ears are in the frame and remove their collar so we can see their neck.Take the photo close-up but not too close!
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